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Spring Superfoods Omelet

Spring Superfoods Omelet

Spring Superfoods Omelet

Here are the ingredients to a delicious and healthy superfood omelet you are sure to love.

2 cage-free eggs (try omega-3 enriched)

2 Tbsp. hemp, almond, or flax milk

Dash of dried thyme

Sea salt and white pepper, to taste

¼ cup shredded nondairy (or organic) cheese

3 or 4 porcini mushrooms, chopped

1 large kale leaf, chopped

3 or 4 sweet cherry tomatoes

Diced sweet onion

2 or 3 purple basil leaves, for garnish (optional)


  • Heat a little olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.
  • Whisk together the eggs, milk, thyme, and salt and pepper. Pour into the hot skillet.
  • Once the edges of the eggs are white and the center is bubbly, add the cheese, mushrooms, kale, tomatoes, and onions. Cook for 3 or 4 more minutes.
  • Flip half the eggs over the ingredients, forming an omelet. Cook for about 1 minute, then flip the omelet over and cook for another minute or so, until the eggs are done.
  • Turn the omelet out onto a plate and serve garnished with fresh basil leaves.

Makes 1 serving

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